Marla Magness-Myers
Marla Magness-Myers
I have a lifetime of experience in orthodontics. I began at a very young age assisting here at Magness Orthodontics. My parents saw my potential in the art, and encouraged me to pursue my dream of following in my father’s footsteps. For me, orthodontics is art.
Robert W. Magness, DDS, taught me how to be an excellent orthodontic clinician. I have learned more from him about clinical orthodontics than could ever be found in a text book. He has honored the specialty of orthodontics in the excellent care he has provided for each of his patients. The treatment he has provided has always been well planned and executed – right down to the last detail. He told me to “above all, take care of the patient.” And I couldn’t agree more.
Dr. William R. Proffit, DDS, PhD, taught me how to diagnose the malocclusion by first teaching why the orthodontic problem developed. Designing treatment for the individual based on why the malocclusion developed. He taught me to think, question, and always stay professionally honest.