Larrissa Cali

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Larrissa Cali

I feel like I’m living a dream, to make a living doing something that I absolutely love. It is very rewarding to see the immensely positive effect that orthodontic treatment has on an individual.

We see many of our patients during an extremely transformative period in their lives, and we have the unique opportunity to completely alter their appearance and the way they feel about themselves in a very definite way. I definitely feel like I have the absolute best job in the world, and I can’t imagine doing anything else.

I love getting to know my patients and their families. We become a part of their life during their treatment, and often that relationship continues even after their orthodontic treatment is completed. It’s awesome to see them and their smiles out and about in town everywhere I go.

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Contact Information

207 Westfield Blvd, Temple, TX 76502, USA
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