When your dentist recommends you or your child see an orthodontist for braces, you’re likely to have a plethora of questions and concerns. You may wonder how long treatment usually lasts. You may not be sure what treatment options are available. You may even know you have a potential change of location promotion ahead of you and be unsure how it would impact your treatment with braces. We have those answers for you in this handy list of questions you’ll want to be sure to discuss at your first orthodontist appointment.

Will I Have To Have Some Teeth Extracted Before I Can Get Braces?

  You might have heard that some adults and children get certain teeth extracted before braces, this isn’t standard to braces themselves.

Will I Have To Change My Oral Hygiene Habits After Braces?

Will I Have To Change My Oral Hygiene Habits After Braces? Decalcification, which is plaque formation that causes calcium losses, often results in white spots appearing on the surface of teeth.

Are There Any Diet Restrictions Once Treatment With Braces Begins?

Are There Any Diet Restrictions Once Treatment With Braces Begins? Yes. Once you have braces, you will have a few diet restrictions. Wire and bracket braces, for example, will require you to avoid sticky, hard, or crunchy foods that could loosen,

Are There Activity Restrictions Once Treatment With Braces Begins?

As a general rule, most orthodontic patients aren’t restricted from everyday and athletic activities.

How Long Will The Braces Need To Be Worn?

Length of treatment is usually a major consideration when a dentist recommends braces for you or your child.

Why Should I Entrust My Orthodontic Needs To A Specialist?

One of the most important considerations in selecting an orthodontist is if he/she has graduated